Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is based on two pillars: market policy (subsidy for increase in revenues) and rural development policy (public goods). For financing of the CAP in the period 2007 - 2013 three instruments are used:
- European Agriculture Guarantee Fund - EAGF
- European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development - EAFRD
- European Fisheries Fund - EFF
European Agricultural Guarantee Fund, EAGF provides support to sustainable agriculture and finances direct payments to the farmers and measures which regulate agricultural markets, e.g. interventions and recovery of funds for export. Expenditures covered by EAGF:
- Direct payments to farmers within CAP
- Recovery of funds for export in third countries which was approved in the framework of Common Organisation of Markets - CMO
- Intervention payments which regulate agricultural markets
- Certain information and promotional measures (e.g. promotion of fruit in school food)
European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, EAFRD aims at strengthening the European policy of rural development and simplification of its implementation. It improves management and control over the rural development policy for the period 2007-2013. This is the Fund with set of rules for rural development, while previously rural development was financed through the so-called European Fund for Directions and Guarantees in Agriculture, which has by 2006 been a part of the structural funds of the EU. Its two components – directions and guarantees had different rules on programming, financing, reporting and supervision. In the period 2007-2013 the Fund has at its disposal the amount of EUR 96,4 billion. EAFRD has three priority axes which may finance the following activities:
- Strengthening competitiveness of the agriculture and forestry sectors
- Improving environment and countryside
- Improving quality of life in rural areas and achieving variety of rural economy
European Fisheries Fund - EFF ensures funds for the fisheries industry and coastal communities in order to adapt them to changed conditions in the sector and attainment of economic and ecological sustainability. This instrument provides support to Common Fisheries Policy of the EU and replaces the Financial instrument for directions in fisheries, which, by the year 2006 was an instrument for structural reform of the European Union fisheries sector.